Meet the Board of Directors

Sue Belling

Board Chair

Sue has been heavily involved in all facets of Guiding leadership and management throughout her adult life at District, Region, State and a GGA committee role. Having lived in both regional and metropolitan areas in her previous retail career, Sue has seen the impact quality Guiding provides for all members. Sue has previously trained across NSW & ACT and is currently mentoring new Managers. Sue understands the impact of policy and technological change on our Volunteers and is still an active District Manager and a campsite committee member. Having been at the face of transformational changed in an extensive retail career, and as an adult member of Guiding, Sue has a sound track record of leadership and collaboration and can provide a considered sounding board for strategic change in the organisation.

Luisa McDiarmid

Deputy Chair

Luisa has extensive career experience across local and state government, small business and education. With a knowledge of Guiding extending from the Unit level to WAGGGS, Luisa has an excellent understanding of the inter-relationship between Girl Guide entities and the role of the Board and am confident of being able to make significant contributions to future governance in the best interests of our Youth Members. 

Sarah Neill AM

Acting State Commissioner

Sarah Neill was appointed to the role of Acting State Commissioner in May of this year, acting as caretaker for the Association whiler a recrutiment process is undertaken to appoint a new State Commissioner Elect. 

Sarah was previously State Commissioner, Girl Guides NSW & ACT, and Board Chair from May 2016, becoming State Commissioner and Board Chair to Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT when Girl Guides NT merged with Girl Guides NSW & ACT in 2020, completing her term in 2021. 

Sarah is committed to ensuring that our membership is actively engaged and supported in achieving the Association’s strategic objectives in the delivery of the Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT mission and vision. Through her many roles and her time in Guiding, Sarah has continuously demonstrated diverse leadership skills and experience at local, regional and state levels. Sarah is absolutely dedicated to the mission of Guiding and wherever possible personally strives to develop, support and mentor young women in achieving their absolute best.  

Lisa Walters

Honorary Treasurer & Chair of the Finance, Audit, and Investment Committee

A senior executive and Chartered Accountant Lisa is a graduate of the Australian Company Directors Course, Lisa has demonstrated financial management and reporting skills with a strong background in reporting and decision support at a Board level. 
She possesses strong operational cross functional knowledge including Finance, Information Technology, Human Resources and Sales and Marketing and has proven business development capabilities including the strategy development and implementation.
Lisa brings a fresh and modern perspective to Guiding.  She has extensive corporate and not for profit experience which, combined with her Guiding experience and “can do” attitude means she truly understands the needs of Guiding.

email Lisa

Belinda Allen OAM

Elected Director

Belinda has extensive experience and expertise from 35 years volunteering as an Adult member of Girl Guides in many Leadership roles; at the community level, Leader of Youth and Adults, Region roles, State roles including State Commissioner and six years as a Director, eight years as a member of the Finance Management Committee and National roles including five years as a Director, and World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) roles including Governance Support volunteer role in the Asia Pacific Region, a member of the Asia Pacific Regional Conference Procedural team and Head of Logistic for WAGGGS Juliette Low Seminar. Belinda successfully led two major reviews for Girl Guides Australia - Uniform Review and Promise and Law Review, both major change management projects. Belinda has mentored many young women, Leaders, and Managers over many years. Belinda has extensive PR, Communications, and event management experience. Belinda also has experience volunteering with other For Cause organisations and 28 years of experience in Executive Search.

Prue Carpenter AM

Elected Director

Prue has held a variety of roles in Guiding over 35 years, firstly as a Leader of Youth and thereafter in managerial roles including but not limited to State Commissioner. Passionate about education for girls and life long learning, Prue has been a Director on the Board of a large Anglican School for Girls. The importance of a strong education for women compliments Prue's passion for Guiding and service. Prue has initiated and overseen marked changes in Guiding involving structure, management, training, property and culture.

Dakshata Sharma

Elected Director

Dak began Guiding as a Junior Guide in India, to Brownies, Guides, and Rangers in the UK, Senior Guides and now dedicated Unit Leader in NSW. Guiding has been a journey of personal growth and profound connection to the organisation’s values. Balancing grassroots leadership and contributing to high-level projects has given Dak a unique appreciation for Guiding’s impact.

Guiding has shaped Dak's professional pursuits, focusing on women and children’s wellbeing. From developing women’s policy at the federal level with the Equality Rights Alliance to advocating for financial literacy in a DV service, Dak's journey has now led her to a state government role overseeing policies and projects for accessible playspaces in NSW.

Catherine Jewell 

Co-opted Director 

Catherine has a Bachelor of Forest Science and a Master of Social Science, as well as qualifications in public sector management and governance. Over a 25 year career with the public service, at both a state and Commonwealth level, she has worked with Boards and diverse stakeholders to develop fit-for-purpose governance frameworks for a number of significant programs and transformation agenda. She has led high-performing, diverse teams in establishing customer-centred program management offices and enabling functions, supporting best practice governance and risk management across grants and major projects.
With a passion for partnering with communities, Catherine is a skilled process facilitator and stakeholder engagement practitioner, approaches which she weaves into all her work. She currently runs her own facilitation practice, working with organisations, community groups and Boards on strategic planning, governance, and community engagement.
Having lived and worked in regional Australia for much of her life, Catherine is passionate about supporting regional and remote communities, and for building a strong, sustainable future for the next generation.


Tracy Marshall 

Co-opted Director 

Tracy is a senior executive, qualified accountant and graduate of the Australian Company Directors Course. She has over 20 years experience with expertise in finance, strategy, governance and measurement & evaluation. Tracy is the Chief Financial Officer of Australian Wool Innovation owner of the globally recognised Woolmark brand. She holds executive director roles in The Woolmark Company and a number of its global subsidiaries. 

One of Tracy’s strengths lies in her ability to navigate complex regulatory environments and implement robust governance structures. She has experience in establishing and maintaining effective governance policies and procedures, ensuring that the entity operates in accordance with legal and ethical standards.

Originating from the UK, Tracy was involved in Guiding from an early age, having started as a Brownie and eventually, for 15 years, becoming a Guide/Ranger leader before holding various roles at County level prior to relocating to Australia. Tracy brings this perspective to the role and is keen to bring her experience both in Guiding and corporate governance in the not for profit sector to this role.


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