Volunteer with the girls. Become a Unit Leader or Unit Helper.

If you have enthusiasm for life, a willingness to try new things, enjoy working with kids, and a sense of community, you have all the skills required to be a Unit Leader or Helper.  These roles become adult members of Girl Guides and are supported by other Leaders in the District. 
The time commitment for each are approximate but mainly it's a 1.5-2 hour meeting at the Unit once a week with the girls.  Weekend activities and events are optional, such as outdoor activities , camps, state Guide events.   Unit Leaders and Assistant Unit Leaders are also required to do the planning for the Unit's Program each Term which may require a couple of hours once a Term.

We provide training and experience on all of this of course and give you all time, tools and resources you need.  

As a Unit Leader, you could work with girls aged 5–7, 7–10, 10–14 or 14–17. Your role will include:
  • Leading your Unit of girls
  • Helping your Unit decide what activities it wants to do
  • Facilitating those activities
  • Liaising with both parents and the staff in the office of Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT
  • Attending age-appropriate events with your Unit. These might include a Jamboree, a boating regatta, and our annual Lark in the Park or Great Guide Sleepover and so much more!
But that’s just a small taste of what leading a group of Guides may involve. You can find comprehensive information here about the roles of Unit Leader , Assistant Unit Leader  and Unit Helper .

We’ll support and train you!

We provide live training online (at no cost). Throughout your training, an experienced Guide Leader will support you and act as your Mentor.

Ready to change the world one Girl Guide at a time?

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